Search and A/V Updates
June 22, 2022 - v0.21.0
Search for Sheet Templates
You can now search for sheet templates created by the Role community! With thousands of templates ready to go, you can quickly find exactly what you need for the games you want to play. Today, you'll see the new search bar on your dashboard, type in the name of a game you are interested in to start collecting new templates!
Only templates that are published and marked as public are searchable.
Additional A/V Updates
- Chrome users now have the ability to select the output device for their audio.
- We moved the a/v settings button to be in line with your video and mic toggles (the bottom center of the screen).
- Fixed a bug in Firefox and Safari where your device list would be empty.
Misc Updates
- We added the ability to unpublish a template. You'll find an options menu in the Template Creator that will allow you to unpublish a template. Sheets created from a template that has been unpublished will still be usable.
- Added a separate default avatar for players vs templates.
- Fixed an issue with the connection quality bars always being blank. We also made them only show up if your connection is poor. No bars means all is well!
- Fixed a bug where templates were getting marked as edited prematurely.