Support the Role Community
Help us keep Role running for the benefit of everyone.
We aim to keep Role as free & open as possible, so that everyone can play & create together. However, hosting video calls, file uploads, and external integrations can be expensive! By becoming a Role Patron, you're supporting our ability to provide these services for you and your players. As an additional thank you, we're also adding a 5% store discount - which comes exclusively out of Role's platform fees, ensuring that your favorite game creators still receive every dollar promised to them.
Role Basic
- Room Limits (Create 1 / Join Unlimited)
- Library Data Cap (256 mb)
- Sheet Builder
Role Patron
$6.67/month20% savings!
- Room Limits (Unlimited)
- HD Video & Audio Calls
- Audio Player
- Owlbear Rodeo *
- Library Data Cap (10 gb)
- Sheet Builder
- Store Discount (5%)
- Priority Support
* Owlbear Rodeo subscription not included