Asset Updates and Bug Fixes
September 15, 2022 - v0.25.0
This release contains several updates and fixes around assets, sheets, and permissions in a room.
- Updated the Play Materials dashboard to separate purchased content from uploaded content.
- Updated game and product page designs on mobile and tablet screens.
- Added the ability for multiple users to import the same asset to a room.
- Added labels to room assets to show who uploaded it.
- Fixed an issue with adding new tokens to a map not showing up for the party until they refreshed the page.
- Fixed the DDB Import option not showing up correctly for some rooms.
- Fixed being able to open the table of contents when previewing a premade sheet.
- Fixed previewing premade sheets showing incorrect privacy labels.
- Fixed some purchased content not appearing under "Purchased Assets" on your dashboard.
- Fixed various UI bugs for what actions a person can take on assets in a room.