Store Updates and Sheet Controls

March 13, 2023 - v0.35.0

Store Updates

We've begun transitioning to our updated Dashboard UI! With this release our dashboard is undergoing a design update to unify our entire app to our latest dark purple theme. This initial update has our store page and product pages updated with our latest designs, including products pages being themed to the game they represent!

More to come on this front including:

  • Updated designs for your rooms, sheet, and materials.
  • Better searching and filtering options.
  • Improved performance of all aspects of your dashboard for a snappier loading experience.

Sheet Controls

We've added some more options for sharing the viewing & editing permissions of your sheets in a room. From a sheet's options menu you will now see the private and share toggles replaced with two new options: Viewers and Editors. Each of these settings gives you the following choices:

  • You: Only you can view or edit the sheet.
  • You + Host: Only you and the host of the room can view or edit the sheet.
  • Everyone: Anyone in the room can view or edit the sheet.


  • Fixed chat getting stuck in a loading state.
  • Fixed crash in preview rooms when toggling open the dice total.
  • Fixed 1Password trying to fill passwords when creating a new room.
  • Fixed switching between shared and private assets when not connected to a video call.
  • Fixed changing a shared asset to private closing the asset for the party.
  • Fixed dice rolls being associated with the wrong person when in speaker mode and viewing an asset.
