Dune Roleplaying Game on Role

The easiest place to play and create any tabletop roleplaying game

Get Started for Free
Role Game Room Screenshot

Everything you need, all in one place

  • HD Video and Audio

    A truly immersive play experience. You'll be able to see and hear every detail of your next game session with crystal-clear clarity.

    Role Video UI
  • Text Chat: Group & DMs

    Integrated text chat and direct messaging lets players and game masters communicate in both public and private channels.

    Role Chat UI
  • Play on Any Device

    A complete, easy, and uncompromised play experience for running every game on any device. Role works on your desktop, laptop, tablet, and phone.

    Role on mobile phones
  • Dice, Buffs, and References

    Our flexible digital dice roller makes rolling dice fun and easy. Integrate it with your Role game sheets to automatically add buffs and references to any roll.

    Role Dice Roller UI
  • Maps, Tokens, and Drawing

    Quickly turn images into maps and tokens to share with your party. Collaborative drawing tools further add to the play experience.

    Role Maps & Tokens UI
  • Character Sheets

    Search thousands of free customizable character sheets to easily track and manage your character's stats, abilities, and equipment.

    Role Sheets UI
  • Asset Management

    During play, game room asset tabs keep your rulebooks, images, maps, and tokens organized. Easily share any asset or keep them private.

    Role Assets UI
  • Drag & Drop Builder

    Build custom sheets for any existing ttrpg system or design your next great game with our code-free tool. Publish and share your creations with the Role community.

    Role Builder UI
  • Safety Tools

    Feeling safe and comfortable is core to a great ttrpg experience. Role’s integrated safety tools allow anyone at the table to send an alert whenever needed.

    Role Safety Tools

Owlbear Rodeo Integration

The most accessible map tool in the world, now with native support on Role! Role Patrons can enjoy a complete maps & tactics experience on Owlbear Rodeo, using native assets seamlessly imported easily from their Role library - all running right here in one easy-to-use place.

Screenshot of Owlbear Rodeo

One Place to Play Them All

Role supports any TTRPG you want to play

Games published on Role: Vast Grimm, Dune RPG, Cyber Metal, Homeworld Savations, Lancer Battlegroup, Star Trek Adventures, Fallout RPG
Modiphius Entertainment5eInfinite BlackMassif PressWorld Champ Co.Magpie Games

The Role Store

Purchase full rulebooks from leading publishers like Modiphius, Magpie Games, and Exalted Funeral and build your library of DRM-free PDFs with integrated digital tools and sheets.

Over 75 free quickstart bundles

Kickstart your adventure with our library off free quickstart packs for popular systems like Mörk Borg, Star Trek Adventures, Dune, Root, Brindlewood Bay, Trophy, Avatar Legends, Masks, 5e and more.

Indie Games

Find indie games like CBR+PNK from Emanoel Melo, Breathless from Fari RPGs, Vast Grimm from Infinite Black, and many more. Creators keep 75% of all sales - the highest revenue share of any online tabletop gaming platform.

Import your existing games

Easily upload your game books, assets, and other RPG materials to create a unified library on Role. Have everything you need at your fingertips, instantly accessible for every session.

Craft New Worlds and Experiences

Sheet Builder

Role’s dynamic Drag and Drop Sheet Builder lets you create content for your favorite ttrrpg or even build your own custom games. Add buffs, clocks, images, dice automation, and other powerful elements to take your creations to the next level.

Room Theming

Immerse players in the experience by styling your game room with custom colors and background art of your choosing.

2 screenshots of Role sheet builder and theming UI

Join thousands of creators bringing new games, supplements, adventures to life on Role today!

Love for Role

More than the best VTT - our mission is to build a community where anyone can create, publish, and play!

  • The @roleapp is a complete game changer. Utterly beautiful... it has everything we need.
    1. Stability
    2. Ease of Use
    3. Customization for any scenario.

    - @Antifreke
    Twitter Community
  • Sound quality is perhaps the best we’ve had, beating Discord, Roll20 and even Zoom. Fantastic quality and no disconnects.

    - @brumpolarbears
    Twitter Community
  • The first time playing online without paper sheets next to us. With Role for character sheets, it felt real in a way it hasn’t since quarantine. Thank you @roleapp.

    - @FoxAndBadgerRPG
    Twitter Community
  • This platform is truly incredible. Switching fully from Skype/Roll20 to Role. Audio and video are awesome. Great great quality. Loving it so far. Been looking for a platform that lets me create my own sheets for years now.

    - @Gabe
    Discord Community
  • Things I love about @roleapp:
    - UI is Clean/Easy to Read
    - Love the Camera and Mic is right there without needing a 3rd Party Program
    - Making Character Sheets is Simple

    - @CroxMarcus
    Twitter Community

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