Lilliputian: Adventure on the Open Seas
The Sea is calling
The open oceans beckons to the small explorer
Come, set voyage on my water
Adventure to the massive unknown
Experience bliss forever
What is Lilliputian: Adventure on the Open Seas?
Lilliputian: Adventure on the Open Seas is an adventure game about exploring the vast and expansive ocean, filled with uncharted islands, hidden treasure, weird weather and unspeakable horrors. Character creation is fast, fun and random, classless, and relies on fictional advancement. It is based on Mausritter by Isaac Williams , Into The Odd by Chris McDowall and Cairn by Yochai Gal , as-well-as so many more. Lilliputian: Adventure on the Open Seas presents a streamlined set of rules for adventures in a world that is massive, and your adventures truly feel small. Whether you are playing as 6” tall humanoids exploring alongside Mice -or- a 6’ tall human exploring a familiar world; adventure awaits. Lilliputian is designed for at least two people, one Game Master and at least one Player. Together, Game Masters and Players work towards building a world full of excitement and adventure; all the while rolling dice and playing make believe.
With rules for open ocean hexcrawling, solo sailing, naval combat, building ships and lots of creepy sea monsters; Lilliputian will bring hours of creative fun to your table.
- Core rules for streamlined, ready-to-play adventures. These core rules occupy only ONE PAGE and heavily built on the chassis of Into the Odd.
- A quick and randomized character creation that will introduce you to unique characters for players to adventure as. Using many tables inspired by the likes of Cairn and The Black Hack as-well-as Starting Loadouts inspired by Electric Bastionland .
- Simple and useful rules for resource management, encumbrance, item usage and durability that make the world feel natural and organic. Inspired by the ENNIE award winning Mausritter.
- Combat rules that produce fast and potentially deadly encounters that scale as lone sailors join a crew, that crew acquires a ship, and that ship joins an armada.
- Rules for hiring retainers and building a business and trade.
- A magic system that pulls influence from the Goblin Laws of Gaming .
- Advanced rules for Game Masters on how to create a world of adventure. Based yet again on the tools and resources in Mausritter.
- Lots and lots of random tables; in the manner of games like Weird North and The Black Hack.
- Not one, not two, but Five example adventure sites to run right out of the gate.
What folks are saying:
“Melding the simplicity of Into the Odd, the expandability of Cairn and the danger of Mausritter; Lilliputian packs a piratical punch and opens up new opportunities for adventures on the high seas in this gorgeously-illustrated book. - Isaac Williams, ENNIE Award winning creator of Mausritter
“Liliputian: Adventure on the Open Seas by Matthew Morris is the seafaring adventure game I’ve always wanted. It’s intuitive to play with tons of tables and resources just the way I like it! And gosh! Does this looks incredible! I can’t wait to hold it in my hands (or pirate hook)!” - Diogo Nogueira, Old Skull Publishing (Primal Quest - Essentials, Halls of the Blood King (ENNIE Award Winning), Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells)
”Presenting a hybrid of Into The Odd, Mausritter, and Cairn, Lilliputian offers a tight package of new rules, mechanics, art, and setting that should intrigue even the most ardent of land-lubbers.” - Yochai Gal, creator of Cairn
”Crisp layout and gorgeous colour scheme,dripping with nautical whimsy and boundless potential for adventure.” - Colin Le Sueur, creator of Runecairn
“Lilliputian, in both design and function, lives up to its name of providing an experience of adventure on the open seas. Easy to navigate rules, procedures, and tables allows tables to dive right. This is an adventure/ruleset/resource that is unlike any other out there currently. My mind is already racing with sword and sorcery adventures that await among the waves. When looking at new systems I like to see what it uniquely brings to my collection and I can honestly say that Lilliputian is a necessary addition to any game shelf.” - Goblin Archives creator of Liminal Horror and The Mall
“I love open seas exploration, especially in a hack of some of my favorite rules sets. The setting generators are incredible, the art is evocative, inspiring and well chosen. This game makes me want to run it right away, and trust me, I will!” - Lucas Rolim, creator of MINIBX and Pacts & Blades
”To say that this game is a pirate-themed take on Mausritter, Into the Odd, or Cairn is to understate the breadth of its systems. You create an explorer, a sailor, a pirate, certainly, but then come the ships, the ship combat, faction rules with example factions, a five-step dungeon generator, and bestiary randomizers that can make eels with breath weapons that are afraid of moonlight and radioactive narwhals who are weak to riddles. The layout is direct and clear and sepia-toned. The art is an eclectic mix of cute cartoon sailors, serious illustrations of life aboard ship, and large woodblock-inspired scenes of the sea. This should be your pick-up-and-play pirate game.” - Slade, Scablands Press and ANNA-X66 Redux
“Lilliputian: Adventure on the Open Seas is so meticulously refined that it feels like a new, better generation of roleplaying game. Obvious thought and care were paid to every detail, both mechanically and aesthetically. If you could take one rule-light RPG with you to a desert island, this would be the one, and not just for the obvious reasons.” - Ahimsa Kerp, Knight Owl Publishing
”Lilliputian might-as-well be a pirate ship because the crew assembled here are killer. With Salvaterra mapping the way, the swashbuckling art of a Prosaik the pirate, a Gnarled kraken, and many other talented crewmembers layouting the ship, writing sea shanties and painting jolly rogers, this game is an awe to the eyes of every sailor.” - Maik, creator of Moon Elves and Delve Deeper
”Lilliputian will be perfect to run an island-hopping sandbox campaign in the spirit of all my favorite sea-based settings—Pirates of the Caribbean, Voyage of the Dawn Treader, One Piece…I can’t wait!” - Adam Hensley, MONOLITH Science Fiction Adventure Game
The Team:
Lilliputian: Adventure on the Open Seas is the creation of Matthew Morris, aka ManaRampMatt (creator of * ,* Bernpyle YEAR ONE an unofficial Sword-and-whiskers zine for Mausritter and Caers & Crannogs , a quarterly zine for Cairn), and features the amazing and stunning works of a phenomenal creative team:
- Beautiful artwork from the likes of~ , , , , , , , , , Kyle Latino (Map Crow), and Thomas Novosel~ Emiel Boven Gnarled Monster Nate Treme Mac Teg Felipe Da Silva Faria Fernando Salvaterra Hairic Josiah Moore Evlyn Moreau .
- Licopeo designed four amazing Character Sheets
- Beautiful cover artwork by Bruno Prosaiko
- Editing by Yochai Gal
- Layout consultingby Guilherme Gontijo
Published by Exalted Funeral Press
An Exalted Funeral exclusive!