Store Updates
We've begun transitioning to our updated Dashboard UI! With this release our dashboard is undergoing a design update to unify our entire app to our latest dark purple theme. This initial update has our store page and product pages updated with our latest designs, including products pages being themed to the game they represent!
More to come on this front including:
- Updated designs for your rooms, sheet, and materials.
- Better searching and filtering options.
- Improved performance of all aspects of your dashboard for a snappier loading experience.
Sheet Controls
We've added some more options for sharing the viewing & editing permissions of your sheets in a room. From a sheet's options menu you will now see the private and share toggles replaced with two new options: Viewers and Editors. Each of these settings gives you the following choices:
- You: Only you can view or edit the sheet.
- You + Host: Only you and the host of the room can view or edit the sheet.
- Everyone: Anyone in the room can view or edit the sheet.
- Fixed chat getting stuck in a loading state.
- Fixed crash in preview rooms when toggling open the dice total.
- Fixed 1Password trying to fill passwords when creating a new room.
- Fixed switching between shared and private assets when not connected to a video call.
- Fixed changing a shared asset to private closing the asset for the party.
- Fixed dice rolls being associated with the wrong person when in speaker mode and viewing an asset.
Focus Mode Updates
We've added a little more functionality to "Focus Mode", the toggle found in your video call settings menu when connected inside of a room. In addition to hiding video thumbnails when in speaker view, focus mode will now also:
- Hide any players that have not yet connected to the video call in grid view.
- Hide any players that are connected to the video call but have both their camera & mic turned off.
Persistent Room Settings
We've added the ability to persist certain settings your set while in a room that you've created or joined. The following settings will now save from session to session:
- The volume the host has set for shared audio.
- If you have muted the lobby music.
- If you have toggled on showing dice totals.
- If you have enabled private dice rolls.
- If you have enabled auto clearing your dice rolls.
- The last dice color you selected.
- Fixed lobby music becoming unmuted if the music file changed while you are still in the room.
- Fixed shared audio correctly looping if you enabled looping before playing a track.
- Fixed an issue with older browsers having the UI in a room or the sheet builder squished or cut off.
- Fixes the Play Panel automatically opening when loading a room.
- Adds a smaller more compact version of a sheet header for mobile devices.
- Fixes showing the dice rolls of other players when in Speaker Mode on tablets and desktops.
- Fixes a crash when trying to update a sheet to the latest version of its template.
- Fixes the music panel in a room only showing up for hosts.

Too much adventure to fit in your bag of holding? Too many cuts and compromises on your favorite device? Too few solutions for bridging your online and in-person games?
Well not anymore! Role has officially gone mobile, meaning you and your party can enjoy a complete, easy, uncompromised play experience right from your browser on any device you desire. Smartphones? Check. Tablets? Check. Desktop and beyond? Absolutely.
Wherever this message finds you, Role is ready for you to play.
Read more on our blog
- Phone and tablet support for our dashboard and rooms.
- Enables maps & tokens for touch devices.
- Enables preview rooms on mobile devices.
- Updates how video tiles look based on their size to better showcase all the information.
- Fixes host being able to clear other player's dice rolls.
- Fixes enabling dice colors on templates that were created before the feature was released.
- Fixes properly marking when you've read the most recent message in your chat log.
- Fixes audio playing for touch devices.
- Fixes rooms having a scroll bar on tablets.
- Dice Colors
- You can now select a color for your dice from your dice tray!
- You can also add colors to dice pools and game elements in the Sheet Template Builder.
- Dice UI: We've updated how other player's dice are displayed. You will now see other's rolls right on their video tile in a larger, updated UI.
- Adds an option to auto clear your dice after a roll. This new setting can be found in the Dice Roller. When enabled, anytime you add new dice to your roller, if all previous dice have already been rolled, they will be removed as well as any currently selected buffs and refs.
- Unselecting a Dice Pool now removes the dice that it added to the roller.
- Unselecting any gameplay element now unselects all linked elements.
- Fixes Dice Pool menu from appearing behind other UI elements.
- Fixes highlighting the active section in a sheet's table of contents.
- Fixes a crash when switching between sheets that have different sections.
- Fixes a crash from attempting to drag a group on a read only sheet or template.
- New video "Focus Mode": When in speaker view, screensharing, or maximizing an asset, focus mode will hide the video thumbnails of other players in the room.
- Moves the audio player to the bottom of the panel.
- Fixes some logic that determines when you are in grid view vs speaker view.
- Fixes a couple UI bugs with the audio panel.
- Fixes lobby music or shared music getting stuck playing when going to a different page or refreshing your browser.
- Fixes AV controls remembering your last used device.

Did you hear that? The subtle rustle of wilderness creatures, the cool wind whistling through the trees, the hum of a bustling town center, the crescendo of heroic theme music as the encounter begins…
Audio features have arrived on Role!
We’re proud to unveil one of our most-requested feature updates: Sound effects & music are now fully supported to make your games even more exciting, immersive, and fun.
Audio assets are now available for Room hosts!
Room Hosts will find a new tab in your Play Panel for uploading and playing music, sound effects, and other audio files. Playing audio in a room will also stream it to everyone in your video call. For now, this feature is only available to the host of the room, so that they can control the ambiance and set the right immersive mood for the adventure!
Lobby Music: Hosts can also set any audio file in a room to be the lobby music. Lobby music plays automatically when players enter the room before they join the video call.
We’ve also updated our room tutorial for new users! We now provide a quick walk-through of the features available in a room to help onboard new players.
Get started with our Audio FAQ
Room Theming
Hosts can now theme their rooms for better customization of their gaming experience!
- In your Room Settings you'll find new options for uploading background art, choosing the UI colors, and setting the colors that get assigned to players.
- Players can now go to their Settings in a room and select which colors from the room's theme they would like to use.
To learn more check out our Room Theming FAQ.
Video Improvements
We've got many new improvements to how video on Role works:
- Speaker mode now available! You can switch between grid view and speaker view. When in speaker view, automatic detection of who is speaking keeps that person front and center. Click on a person to pin them and make them as the main focus.
- New UX: Videos now appear in square format to better maximize how much space each person can take up on screen. Viewing a map, image, or screen share now takes up the maximum available screen space with players sitting on top.
- Improve video tile layout logic to make sure everyone is always visible.
To learn more check out our Table Guide FAQ.