
Group Cloning

October 14, 2021 - v0.17.3
  • Added ability to clone a Group element and all elements within it.
  • Updated a group's elements to be top aligned.
  • Updated copy describing what a group is.
  • Updated hover effects on buttons for Group elements.
  • Fixed bug around loading an empty sheet.
  • Fixed bug around trying to add a link when there is no linkable elements available.
  • Fixed bug with dragging-and-dropping groups.
  • Fixed page scrolling issue caused by sheets with many sections.

Template Fixes

October 1, 2021 - v0.17.2
  • We removed the ability to drag around sections and instead added up/down arrows to reorder them. You can still drag to reorder sections from the Table of Contents.
  • Fixed being able to add elements to a new group in a section if that section already had a group in it.
  • Fixed being able to click on clocks.

Sheets & Templates Style Polish

September 29, 2021 - v0.17.1
  • Updated some styles across Sheets, Point & Slot elements, Element Library, and Modals.
  • Fixed an issue with dragging Groups that are duplicated.
  • Fixed Notes properly showing line breaks.

New and Improved Sheets & Templates

September 27, 2021 - v0.17.0

In our biggest update yet, we have completely overhauled our Sheets and Templates! After months of feedback from our community of early game masters, players, and creators, we put together a list of updates to make sheets and templates more flexible and powerful. Check out our blog post highlighting everything that has been updated, but to start here is a quickfire list of changes:


  • Updating our dark theme to bring in a little color to our previously all grey UI.
  • Redesigned Sheets to improve readability of text and better distinguish the various elements displayed.
  • We've redesigned the Table of Contents to make it easier to navigate long sheets.
  • Sections within a sheet can now be reordered and collapsed.


  • Updated the creator to streamline how you add labels, descriptions, and access to common functions that were previously hidden in advanced options.
  • Drag & Drop! You can now drag and drop elements and groups to organize your template.
  • New Elements: Groups (formerly Blocks), Dropdowns, Clocks, Text, and Images.
  • Markdown enabled in Note elements.
  • No more blocks or limiting what can and cannot be 1 or 2 columns. You can now mix and match element sizes within the same Section or Group.

More details on our blog:

Premium Access for all!

August 18, 2021 - v0.16.0

We are excited to offer everyone that signs up for a Role account premium access to all our features and data caps. This makes Role truly FREE for everyone that wants the best online TTRPG experience. This is the start of many exciting features and improvements coming the rest of this year and beyond!

Map Fixes

July 21, 2021 - v0.15.1

Fixed some bugs related to sharing maps and tokens.

Copy Sheets

May 25, 2021 - v0.15.0
  • Added the ability to copy sheets from your dashboard. While viewing a sheet on your dashboard, the sheet's settings (gear icon) is now clickable and has an option for creating a copy of the sheet. This will copy the sheet in its entirety including all its info, and will immediately be selected for viewing.
  • Fixed being able to upload assets in Safari.
  • Fixed random maps/images showing up when first entering a table.
  • Fixed network quality indicators sometimes not showing up for users when in a video call.

Markdown in Chat

May 4, 2021 - v0.14.0

This update contains a handful of quality of life improvements:

  • Markdown is now enabled for chat messages. This is the same markdown support we have in the Template Creator. This means chat messages will automatically hyperlink urls, you can add formatting such as bold, italics, tables, and more. If you want to learn more check out GitHub Flavored Markdown.
  • You can now rename assets! You'll find a new option in your Dashboard's Asset Library and Table's Asset Tray when you open an asset's menu. This will only appear for the owner of the asset.
  • If you hover over the author of a chat message, the message's timestamp will show up.
  • When you join or enter a table that was already sharing an image or map, that image or map will now automatically appear for you as well.
  • Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred in the Template Creator when a Block or Input description box would attempt to resize itself to fit its contents.

Account Updates

April 8, 2021 - v0.13.0

As we continue to evolve the platform and onboard more players, we want to give more people the flexibility to try out Role. To that end, we have opened up some permissions and features to players who are signed up for a Guest Role Account. With a guest account you will now have the ability to:

  • Create and manage 1 table for your own play group.
  • Upload up to 200 MB of custom assets to your library.

Misc Improvements and Fixes

  • Added camera, microphone, and connection quality indicators to player thumbnails during a live play session.
  • Video calls were dropping for sessions running longer than 4 hours. Now when that happens you will be automatically reconnected.
  • Added some screen reader support for Sheets.
  • Fixed screen reader support for the Dice Tray.
  • Fixed showing how many players are currently connected to a video call.
  • Fixed a bug where editing a Dice Pool would cause it to stop working until you refreshed the page.
  • Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when viewing a sheet from your dashboard.
  • Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when viewing a map.
  • Fixed having a minimized map becoming fullscreen again if someone else drew on it.

Dice Log Fixes

March 20, 2021 - v0.12.1
  • Fixed showing manual modifiers in dice log.
  • Fixed showing full roll (refs, dice, buffs) when you add additional dice to a roll or re-roll a single die.